
Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to us. In order to protect your privacy, the company provides this information regarding our privacy protection policy.
Any information provided for the purpose of carrying out the transaction on our sites will be used exclusively for the purpose of that transaction
Information is not transferred to any other party, except as necessary to carry out the transaction or complete the task (such as to the credit companies, courier company)
The company will use the email address you provided, and/or the other contact information you provided, for the purpose of sending a return email and/or responding to your request, and not for any other purpose. We will not provide the contact information you provided to any other entity. Marketing mail will be sent only in the event that express written consent has been given in accordance with the requirements of the law.
The company does not make any use of the details of the payment method you transferred, except to make the payment, and does not transfer them to any other party except for the purpose of the transaction you requested to perform.
The company does not store credit card numbers on its computers.
The purpose of providing the personal details is to allow the company to provide the products and/or services to the customer in the best and most efficient way